Monday, November 5, 2012

Stove Top Potpourri

Have you ever walked in your house or apartment and noticed that it just doesn't smell that fresh? Living in a one bedroom apartment means that if I decide to cook beef and broccoli, my whole place smells like it for the rest of the night. Same thing goes for if I forget to run the garbage disposal after cooking. Not the worst smell in the world, but definitely not what you want to come home to after a long day at school.

Well Pinterest has come to the rescue yet again! This pin has been circulating for a while, and I finally gave it a shot. 

I love the mix of the lemon, rosemary, and vanilla's a citrusy, herby,  sweet mixture that is just enough of everything you want in your home fragrance. I really think that if you left out one of the ingredients, it would be too one-note.

Of course, when I looked in my cabinets, I had everything on hand except for fresh rosemary. Dried rosemary worked just fine, but I'm sure fresh would've been even better.

Try this now!

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