Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Happy hump day!

Who out there loves coffee cake? Who out there loves coffee cake so much that you may or may not eat more than a normal person's serving size? Well, do I have the treat for you!

I found this lovely post while skimming through Food Gawker...a dozen mini mug cake recipes! Yeep! While they all look dee-licious, the coffee cake really caught my eye. Plus, I even had all the ingredients lying in wait in my cabinets.

As a warning, mine did not end up as beautiful as the one on the site (story of my life)...but it did end up so tasty that I may have made another one 10 minutes after finishing the first...
Don't let the small amount of batter fool you, this sucker puffs up beautifully.

Crumbly streusel topping is the crown jewel of this mini treat.

What it lacks in beauty, it more than makes up for in tastiness...make this now!

I followed the recipe as it was written, only I doubled the streusel recipe, because, let's be honest, who doesn't want more streusel?! A crazy person...that's who.

Enjoy this mini treat with a cup of coffee...I can't think of a better way to start a Wednesday!



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